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Friday, March 6, 2009

Michelle Obama - "OPRAH" Magazine

Oprah is sharing the cover of her O magazine for the first time in nine years - with President Barack Obama's wife -- First Lady Michelle Obama!

In the mag's new interview, Oprah talks about everything from White House decor to the celebrity of being the first family.

Michelle says the family's first Monday in the White House was "kind of weird." She explains, "You know, now we live here and Barack is getting up and going to work and it's just us. This is our home now."

She says her two young daughters Sasha and Malia aren't fazed by some of the more extreme trappings of First Family life: "Once someone on my staff e-mailed to tell me that the president was on his way. But you could already hear the helicopter, so it was like, well, no kidding."

"The girls don't move," Michelle recounts to Oprah. "I'm like, 'You want to see Daddy landing in the helicopter?' 'No, that's okay. We already saw it.'"

For more with Oprah and Michelle, pick up the upcoming issue of O magazine, on newsstands March 17.

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